Instructor teaching class of students in computer lab


计算机科学 is one of the fastest-growing in-demand careers, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局. 可用的管理专业, frontend (user interface) and data structures allow you to pave your own career path. Our degree programs provide the flexibility to lead you to the career of your dreams. With your professional advisors helping you along the way, you can mix and match majors and minors to get the perfect degree tailored to you and your career aspirations. Plus, you’ll graduate with a strong foundation in liberal arts.

With small class sizes and one-on-one attention from experienced professors, you will work directly with the data from search engines and social media that are helping shape the world. 作为一名计算机专业的学生, you will analyze problems and create unique solutions for budgeted computing requirements, as well as practice writing clear and efficient code. This program is structured with courses that focus on data analysis, 产品开发和网页设计. You will benefit from a curriculum developed in partnership with Google and consultation with leading global companies such as Forna Inc. 和劳氏公司.

It is recommended that a computer science major choose a concentration area which focuses on their career intention. 这三个专业分别是管理学, 前端(用户界面)或数据结构, 下面将逐一解释.


的 management concentration consists of 24 credit hours of business and leadership courses. This concentration will prepare students to step into leadership roles, 以及大型项目的团队组织. As new startups in the digital sector are popping up more and more rapidly, the need for an employee to step into leadership roles is highly desired.

Front-End (User Interface) Concentration (24 credit hours)

的 frontend concentration emphasizes graphic design, totaling 24 credit hours. 在这种浓度下, the student will learn how to implement and design a brand identity to work in front-end development. This concentration will distinguish our graduates with the knowledge and ability to create stunning, 友好实用的用户界面.


的 data-structures concentration will give students more training in the theoretical underpinnings of relational data structures, 计算机逻辑和算法. This concentration is designed for students wishing to pursue a post-graduate degree or work in data science or logic-based programming.


Computer science is the study of computers and computational systems. It is a wide umbrella that includes everything having to do with software. 编写算法, 软件开发与设计, analyzing how it interacts with hardware and much more. 这也可以包括编程, 人工智能, 数学算法, 安全, 数据库系统, 编码过程, 视觉和图形.

A computer science degree from SMWC provides you with the opportunity to work through real-world problems and to partner with people out there who are actually solving them. Our collaboration with Google means that their multi-billion-dollar expertise is reflected in everything you’ll study. Computer science encompasses a wide variety of skills. If sci-fi-inspired possibilities for the future excite you, it may be 人工智能. 如果你想成为一个多面手, you may point towards full-stack programming or web development. As a computer science grad, the high-paying possibilities available to you are essentially endless.

的 exploding growth in this field continues to soar. 技术类工作的需求量很大. 这里有各种各样的职业道路供你选择:

  • 软件工程师
  • Web开发人员
  • 计算机程序员
  • 系统分析师
  • 数据库管理员
  • 数据分析师

More career opportunities can be found on our blog: 8 professions you can pursue with a computer science degree

What is the average annual salary of someone with a computer science degree?
根据美国劳工统计局的数据, employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 11% from 2019 to 2029. 当你寻找起薪时, keep in mind that the cost of living and opportunities to move with a career or industry sector should also factor into your decision. 根据ZipRecruiter的说法.com, the average annual salary for someone with a computer science degree is $66,180.

学习资源中心 (LRC) provides exceptional, personalized learning resource services to encourage student success. 的 LRC offers help with a range of academic support services, 包括一个写作中心, 辅导, 大学成功课程等等.

圣玛丽森林学院 is routinely ranked by US 新闻 and 世界报道 among the 中西部地区最好的大学 and the 最具价值学校. Our departments are also routinely ranked for their individual degree programs.
